Key Aspects What Audit Engagements Include:

Client Deliverables

We provide a comprehensive client package that typically includes a professional set of financial statements with an independent auditor’s report indicating our findings, a Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) compliant corporate tax return, non-profit return or charity return, and any recommendations that we may have for your company’s financial management and future growth.

Reasonable Assurance

As the auditors, we provide an independent objective opinion on whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. This gives users a high level of confidence in the accuracy and reliability of the financial statements. An audited financial statement enhances the credibility of your financial information, which can be beneficial for securing financing, attracting investors, and building trust with stakeholders.

Detailed Examination

We conduct a comprehensive review of your financial records, including testing transactions, verifying account balances, and assessing the internal control systems.


An audit ensures that the financial statements comply with relevant accounting standards and regulatory requirements.

Risk Assessment and Identification of Issues

Through the audit process, we identify potential risks and may identify discrepancies, inefficiencies, and areas for improvement in your financial systems and processes. This helps strengthen your internal controls and mitigate future issues.

Ready to Get Started?

With Avanti CPA’s audit engagement services, your financial information is managed with the utmost care and professionalism. You will gain valuable insights and increased confidence and integrity in your financial reporting, ensuring your business is well-positioned for success and growth.

Please note, we are currently only accepting audit engagements from Not-for-Profit Organizations and Charities.

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With gratitude, Avanti CPA respectfully acknowledges that our office is located within the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc (TteS) territory, situated within the unceded ancestral lands of the Secwépemc Nation.